20 November 2004

The Mouse That Roared

The Mouse That Roared

Watch this movie. Honestly, it's one of Peter Sellers' best, in my opinion. He plays three different characters, one of which is a woman. The plot is incredibly funny, as a small non-existent European country (The Duchy of Fenwick) is going bankrupt and decides to invade the United States, then surrender in order to get war reparations. Everything goes according to plan, until the army (consisting of 20 men dressed in ancient chainmail with bows and arrows) arrives in New York and finds no one to surrender to. It's a great movie and Sellers is amazing as: The Duchess of Fenwick, The Prime Minister AND the General of the army. One of the things that got me was the sign at the guard post on the border of Fenwick: "If guard is not on duty, go right in". I was laughing through the entire film. Though, I think Sellers' movies are a slightly more subtle humour than most comedies today. Anyone who's seen "The Party" will agree with me (and if you haven't seen it, rent that too... have a Peter Sellers night).

05 November 2004



Those of you who don't like horror movies, STAY AWAY FROM THIS ONE... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
To tell you the truth, it wasn't the gore that scared me... it was the dummy. I don't know if you guys have seen him in the commercials, but fuckin A, he is the creepiest thing in the entire world. I can handle gore, obviously, considering the kinds of books I read... but guys kidnapped people and then putting them into situations where they kill themselves is just too frightening for me. One of the things I HATED about this film was the fact that some idiot out there could get the idea and try to make it work. There are some seriously fucked up people out there and I'm willing to bet someone will try it.
The acting, obviously, was terrible. Poor Cary Elwes, I thought you were better than that. VERY good twist at the end though. I think it was worth it just for the ending actually. Honestly though, there were parts that I couldn't watch, I had my hand over my eyes. If you go see it because you've been forced to, cover your eyes when a) Cary Elwes is using the phone in the parking lot and you can see a guy creeping up next to his car and b) when Alan is wandering around his pitch-black apartment, using his camera flash as a light, and he starts to open the door with the dart board on it... DO NOT WATCH DURING THOSE SCENES. I didn't... and I'm pretty sure I saved myself another two nights of little sleep.

Team America: World Police

Team America: World Police

I dunno if any of you guys have seen it, but it is so funny. You have to sort of be a South Park fan to get some of the jokes, or find some of them funny, but having an ENTIRE movie played by marionettes is just to good to pass up. It's so hard to describe it without giving stuff away, so I'm just going to ruin it for you if you haven't seen it. So... if you don't want it ruined, don't read the rest of this...
Considering the movie starts out with Team America blowing up every historic and recognizable site in Paris, I knew it had to be funny. And the song that comes on at least five times during the film goes "America... FUCK YEAH" etc etc... I was holding my sides through the entire movie. After a while, you kind of forget that it's marionettes... creepy. My favourite character though was definately Kim Jong Il with his "hewrooooooo" and "I'm so ronrey, oh so ronrey...".
Anyway, go see it if you haven't yet... there are parts where you're so shocked that they did stuff, or said stuff, and there's parts where you just can't stop laughing.