12 March 2005

Bride and Prejudice (+ Keira Knightley-induced rant)

Bride and Prejudice

Being the ultimate fan of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" and having a soft spot for Bollywood, I figured I'd go see it. Good idea on my part. Even though I could call every. single. plot. twist. it was still funny. I loved the fact that Martin Henderson kept throwing Aishwarya Rai numerous "tortured love" looks, patented by Colin Firth in the BBC version of P&P. I think that Chadha could have been a bit more original with the names though, considering she kept both Will Darcy and Wickham... though she did a great job with Kholi (instead of Collins). LOVED the fact that Naveen Andrews was in it. I mean, really, we love him already as Sayid, but having him as the Indian equivalent of Charles Bingley is just plain awesome. There are so many great things about this movie... I can't wait for it to come out (in North America) on video.

Speaking of P&P, I forgot that someone has DARED to make a movie based on the novel.... starring Keira Knightly as Lizzie. *long, long, long pause..... punctuated by scream of frustration*. Keira. Knightley. No. Just No. There is no effing way that Keira Knightley is going to do a good job on this. And the man stepping into the shoes that only one man can fill? Matthew MacFadyen (no relation to Andrew MacFadyen mind you). He has been in nothing. Seriously, I'm not joking. The only major work out of his resume that I even recognise is MI-5, that stupid secret agent show in Britain. AH! AH GOD!!!!! JENA MALONE AS LYDIA?? ARE THEY ABSOLUTELY CRACKERS?? *deep breath*. Oh man, I can just see it now "Pride Remake flops at Box Office: WTF were they thinking? say Ebert and Roeper". Aw crap. Who am I kidding? I'll go see it when it comes out... but I doubt I'll enjoy it. I'll have to go see it myself in order to stop myself from bitching about how shit it is to other people.