21 September 2004

Shaun of the Dead

Shaun of the Dead

When you look at a poster for Shaun of the Dead, you see the tagline "A Romantic Comedy. With Zombies." That pretty much sums it up right there for you. It honestly is one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long, long time and that is saying a LOT coming from me.
It begins, in a typically British way, in a pub, where Shaun's girlfriend is complaining about all they ever do is sit in the pub and they never get to do anything really exciting. Well dear, that is all about to change. We then get some footage of how completely and utterly mundane Shaun's life is before the plot really begins to thicken. One of the best lines in the preview for this movie is "There is no 'I' in team, but there is an I in pie... um, meat pie, er, meat is an anagram for team, I dunno".
Shaun's undeniably great sidekick is Ed, a slob who he's known since pre-school. Not only does he spout hilarious lines, but there are actually some pretty emotional scenes between the two of them.
Even though the movie is advertised as a comedy, there are some incredibly disgusting scenes, one of which I actually had to look away from in order to keep my dinner in me. There are also some touching moments and the end of the film is actually rather sad.
Anyway, when it DOES come out in theatres, I plan to see it again. It is not only a freakin side-splitter of a comedy, it is actually well-acted. My only conclusion is GO SEE IT. September 24th, mark your calendars or zombies will come and eat your brains ("don't say that!"... "what?"... "the z-word!")

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